Task / Process /
Evaluation / Conclusion
HyperText Dictionary
/ Resources
a world without Sea Turtles...George Ancona wrote a children's story called
you may have read it before, it's part of the fourth grade Celebrate Reading
books. Mr. Ancona knows that the Sea Turtle is endangered,
but he wonders how people that have hunted turtles and turtle eggs for
a living are making a living now that killing sea turtles is illegal.
His story tells how several people can come together with a common goal
to save the Sea Turtle.
This webquest was designed for intermediate elementary students.
It is hoped that during this quest, they will explore and find reasons
why most Sea Turtles are endangered and will form their own opinions as
to why the turtles are in danger along with the livelihoods of shrimp farmers
and fishermen who's catches are directly impacted due to Sea Turtle laws.
You can help with the survival of both the Sea Turtle and Shrimping through understanding the problems facing each one. Your job will be that of either a Sea Turtle Activist or a Shrimp Farmer. You will go on a fact hunting mission to find out what are the causes behind this volatile relationship between the Sea Turtle and shrimp.
Search for solutions that would benefit both parties, and prepare HyperStudio
presentations to share with your class. You will also email your
findings in a well-researched document to send to government officials
that enforce laws to protect endangered species and the shrimping industry
who are in need of affordable harvesting methods.
Information on the Sea Turtle
The Sea Turtle's existence dates back to the time of the dinosaurs. The following articles will share facts and pictures about it's habitat, description, things that it eats and dangers effecting it's existence. Knowledge about the Sea Turtle is important when finding solutions to protect it.
*You will now take on the role of either a Sea Turtle Activist or
a Shrimp Farmer.
important questions, facts and internet addresses (URL's) should be written
in a journal.
list of questions will be assigned to your role, PRINT these questions
for future use.
list of resources will be available in your quest to aid in answering these
with links to search engines. Keep copies of useful URL's for future use.
Click on the Sea Turtle Activist button
or the Shrimp Farmer button to continue
Farmer HOME